While there are many different torrent clients available on the Internet, most of them are complicated and feature too many unnecessary features. Contrary to this, Vuze Leap is designed to be lightweight and usable by everyone, and without frustration.
You can install Vuze Leap without worrying that it might install extra software that you don't need. The installer is adware-free, and the interface of the program is ad-free. This is a pleasant surprise, as it is common for torrent clients to feature a lot of advertising to sustain development costs.
Downloading a file is as straightforward as it can get. Indeed, you can search for a torrent right from the interface and add it with a mouse-click. You can also pause, stop, and play a torrent with the same ease. In my tests, Vuze Leap performed significantly worse than other torrent clients, but if you're not a heavy downloader, its speed should satisfy you nonetheless.
Vuze Leap is very easy to use. Yet, simplicity comes here at the expense of customization. For instance, it's not possible to define custom download and upload speeds for each torrent. This is not practical when you want to seed a torrent without it eating too much of your bandwidth. You can, of course, limit the global speed, but this will affect other torrents, which is not always what you want. There are still nice features in the global settings. For example, you can ask Vuze Leap to stop when you disconnect from your VPN. This makes sure that all your data goes through your VPN, even if a disconnection happens.
All things considered, Vuze Leap is a great torrent client if you're not a computer expert. Yet, it won't satisfy your customization needs if you have more experience in torrent downloading.
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